Saturday 26 January 2008

Blogging to Start Again Next Week

Sorry I haven't had time to blog since the start of the New Year.

I have been up to my kneck in various campaigns both in and out of Parliament, not least the attempt to tarmac over a sizeable part of my community with a third runway and sixth terminal at Heathrow. I have also been participating in the setting up of the LRC's regional and branch structures around the country. I have been doing meetings on this and other issues both in my constituency and around the country virtually every other night and at weekends over the last few weeks.

In Parliament we have also been stretched in covering all the issues the Government has been throwing at us ranging from the Euro Treaty legislation to the Sale of Student Loans and Pensions legislation.

In addition I am trying to develop and consolidate much more active and accessible forms of democratic participation in my constituency building on the community conferences and local groups we have set up as part of our concept of community socialism.

Anyway I will be starting to blog again on a regular basis next week.

I see someone was very kindly correcting the punctuation on my blog. The problem I have is that many of the commas and apostrophes etc I insert come up as gobbledeegook when I put them in. I will try and sort this out for all those who are offended by a lack of punctuation!

On the wider political front there is an immense range of activity and campaigning going on so I am keen to get back to blogging just to share information and people's views on these campaigns.

To try make it easier to get ideas across and maybe more accessible for comments I am going to experiment with a bit of film blogging if we can get the technology operating ok.

See you next week.
